We help you eliminate blockages and allow your inner soul to advance to a higher level of consciousness.
We offer pathways for self-development, healing, growth and enlightenment. This is a place where minds and souls connect to further one's transformation and become awakened. We provide Angel Reading, Intuitive Reiki Healing, Home Balancing, Business Balancing, Ongoing Lectures and Workshops.
My Background
Martin Crespo is an Angelogist, Author, Karuna Master, Reiki Master, and Psychic born in Brooklyn, New York.
His first introduction into the psychic/spiritual realm began at the young age of four. At this age Martin started seeing shadows and figures coming out of open windows and walls. By the age of nine he experimented with hands on healing on family members and to everyone’s surprise it resulted in positive outcomes. These were very confusing times for Martin, as he had to balance the teachings he was learning in his elementary Catholic school while at the same time seeing ghosts and not be able to explain nor understand it. Most of his young life he was forced to hide his experiences from family and friends for fear of being ridiculed and laughed at.
It was not until an encounter with a parapsychologist from the University of Miami at the age of 19 that Martin was able to finally attain valuable guidance and assistance.
Prior to that, he found himself in an answer-seeking quest with his mother. From visiting Santeros, psychics, healers, and anything they could get their hands on to help explain what Martin was experiencing.
Martin majored in Psychology, seeking his Bachelors degree from Florida International University. While simultaneously handling responsibilities as a top level manager for a phone company. As time went by, his abilities became stronger and more difficult to hide. He discovered an urgency to open his gifts to the public.
Eventually, after much reluctances he gave into the call from of his Angel and guides that kept urging him to leave his corporate job and focus full time on working one on one with people. He opened his company Holistic Interventions Inc.
He has now had the joy and honor of working with over 12,000 clients in counseling and healing sessions.
Over the last 20 years he has appeared on many major Spanish television programs such as Cristina, Occurio Asi, Despierta America, Primer Impacto as well as radio programs. He also began a lecture/workshop circuit in the United States and South America over the last ten years. He has presented lectures at his alma mater F.I.U. as well as the University of Miami. For nine years he was an adjunct professor at Miami Dade College teaching courses in the metaphysical realm as well as Reiki healing certifications.
With the use of Skype and now Zoom, Martin has been able to connect with clients across the globe in English and Spanish.
His ability to see and communicate with Guardian Angels has been shared in his book “Messenger For The Guardians” which was released in English and Spanish.
Martin feels his highest accomplishments are assisting individuals release fear, heal from emotional and physical traumas, and helping others open to their own psychic abilities. Martin resides in Miami, Florida with his wife Michele, and their son Christopher. He plans to continue on his spiritual quest of learning and teaching as long as he possibly can.

Messenger for the Guardians
Available both in English and Spanish
Messenger for the Guardians -
A Psychic's Journey into Angelic Communication
by Martin E. Crespo.
Mensajero De Los Guardianes-
Un Viaje Psiquico Hacia La Comunicacion Angelical
by Martin Crespo
Advance Study Groups
and Workshops