Upcoming Workshops


Sunday, April 7, 2024

10:00 am -12:00 noon

Zoom Workshop

Join Martin Crespo for a two-hour discussion as we answer the following questions. 

How do we work with the new frequencies surrounding us?

What have the solar flares over the last 2 years provided for us and our planet? 

Are there changes required in our diet, beliefs, and everyday functions?

How does it affect our dreams, psychic development, and communication with our Angels, guides, and God source?

Who and what will still be trying to slow us down as we evolve?

Answers to all of the above, and other questions will come from various sources. Exercises and meditations will also provide you with clarity and hands on experience.

$90.00 USD

Other Workshops


One-on-One Developmental Virtual Training via Zoom

Private one-on-one hourly sessions to gain assistance in developing your abilities and knowledge.  Take advantage of gaining hands-on tutoring in areas such as Meditation, Psychic Development, Channeling, Energy Healing, and more. Flexible scheduling weekly work hour as well as evening hours.

$100.00 per session or 3 hourly sessions for $260.00

Specialized Group Psychic Development/Protection Technique Course

Three Intensive two-hour weekly workshops to assist you in developing and understanding the principles of opening to higher realms of information and abilities. Also includes the correct process to achieve these levels while developing protective rituals. This workshop is designed for those already working and developing their intuitive gifts and abilities. Not for beginners.

At the end of the three workshops, all attendees will have a one-on-one session to discuss their individual development and remove weakness or insecurities.  Minimum of eight students required and maximum 15.


Dates assigned once the group is created but you can purchase your spot now via a gift certificate.